In 1984 the Swedes Joel Rydstroem and Magnus Fransson converged to make music. Thereby a mixture of Industrial and Cyberpunk turns out. After several recordings on demo tapes, their first album "Maximum Overdrive" appeared in 1989. Meanwhile their entire work extends to 25 publications in the form of Vinyl, MC and CD.
At the moment Cat Rapes Dog is active only on live gigs with Annelie Bertilsson, Magnus Fransson, John Wreibo and Jonas Awertotf. The entourage waits here in vain for musical supply. The last publication was the album "The Secrets Of God" in the year 1998.
In the years 1995 and 1998 Cat Rapes Dog had two live gigs in Magdeburg where I could made some photos. Furthermore there are concert pictures from the last gig in november 2005 in the Factory Magdeburg at dark-dreams-in-digital and CRDhome.